The CORE Dance Studio Gjesdalveien 34, 2etg, 4306 Sandnes

The CORE Dance Studio

24 Anmeldelser
  • lørdagStengt
  • søndagStengt
  • mandag16–21
  • tirsdag17–21
  • onsdag17–20
  • torsdagStengt
  • fredagStengt

Om virksomheten

Dansestudio | The Core Dance Studio | The Core - Dansestudio i Sandnes og Bogafjell, og tilbyr dansetimer av høy kvalitet for barn, ungdom og voksne. Best i regionen innen hiphop, street dance, dancehall og moderne. Danseklasser for barn, ungdom, voksne i Sandnes Sentrum | Dansekurs i Sandnes og Bogafjell - bli med nå


Ring oss
Gjesdalveien 34, 2etg, 4306 Sandnes


  • lørdagStengt
  • søndagStengt
  • mandag16–21
  • tirsdag17–21
  • onsdag17–20
  • torsdagStengt
  • fredagStengt


  • Avtale kreves
  • Barnevennlig
  • Kjønnsnøytralt toalett
  • Tjenester på stedet
  • Kurs på nettet

Anbefalte Anmeldelser

Christina Lande
The CORE Dance Studio
The Core har de mest dedikerte lærerene (og elevene). De bryr seg virkelig om dansen og tar godt i mot alle som kommer inn dørene, uansett erfaring. 10 out of 10, would recommend
Kristian Mora
The CORE Dance Studio
Utrolig kjekt, inluderende og positivt dansemiljø i dette dansestudioet her! Det er som et hjem vekke ifra hjemmet. Her kan lære, bli motivert og jobbe hardt for å bli ikke en bedre danser, men også person. Det er veldig dyktige instruktører og kjempe kjekke danseklasser for alle aldre!
Rebekka Stumpf
The CORE Dance Studio
The best place to begin or continue your dance journey. Extremely knowledgeable and compassionate teachers and staff, as well as an overall wonderful atmosphere where everyone is welcomed and encouraged to be their best selves in every way! 100/10 recommend
Ingso Vignes
The CORE Dance Studio
The Core Dance Studio is an amazing place filled with good people, inspiration, experienced teachers and high quality training! The time-schedule includes classes in various different styles, ranging from «beginner» - «expert» level! Definetly like a second home to me!
han chou
The CORE Dance Studio
I love the ambience, allowing people of different backgrounds to come together and giving a safe place for all individuals to explore and express themselves. Teachers are also patient, helpful and supportive, guiding students to their desired goals. I highly recommend this studio, if you are looking for the following details stated above.
Ioanna Moi
The CORE Dance Studio
If you are interested in dancing, I can guarantee the Core Dance Studio is something for you. You will always be surrounded by supportive people, as well as experienced teachers. That makes the classes magical, and you will always come home with a good feeling. The studio is open for a variety of levels, and no matter what level you are starting in, the Core will help you grow and become a better dancer. Highly recommended!
Lena Maria
The CORE Dance Studio
Fantastic. My daughter is attending the youngest group for dancing classes and she loves it.
Ela Osiejewska
The CORE Dance Studio
My favorite place. I’m so happy to work with this great community of dancers -everyone is so supportive and welcoming - every day I feel like there is a party in my class. The team of teachers I work with cares and provides great quality of dance education mixed with a fun experience for everyone.
Maria Bøe
The CORE Dance Studio
Timene på the core er definitivt ukens høydepunkt! Med motiverende og flinke lærere, og enormt inkluderende miljø er det aldri kjedelig og jeg kommer alltid hjem med en god følelse. Hvis du ser etter et studio i Sandnes/Stavanger området er The Core absolutt stedet å dra!
Ese A
The CORE Dance Studio
Amazing dance studio (easy to commute) with equally amazing teachers. I’ve been dancing at this studio for almost a year, and can honestly say it’s the most fun and inclusive community to be a part of. I highly recommend !!

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Gjesdalveien 34, 2etg, 4306 Sandnes
The CORE Dance Studio