SammTalk AS Chr. Michelsens gate 15A, 0568 Oslo

SammTalk AS

53 Anmeldelser
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Om virksomheten

SammTalk | SammTalk connects secondary teachers in Europe for a digital language exchange where their students can practice and learn about each others' culture by creating and sharing short videos and video-chatting in real time.


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Chr. Michelsens gate 15A, 0568 Oslo


  • lørdagStengt
  • søndagStengt
  • mandag08–16
  • tirsdag08–16
  • onsdag08–16
  • torsdag08–16
  • fredag08–16


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Anbefalte Anmeldelser

Ana Lain
SammTalk AS
Abbiamo partecipato al progetto con le mie classi di spagnolo quest'anno per la prima volta ed è stata un'esperienza simpaticissima! Sicuramente da rifare! Siamo stati abbinati a una scuola svedese ed è stato tutto molto facile da gestire. Lo staff è molto professionale e sono tutti super gentili. Mi sono sempre sentita supportata e, pur essendoci una struttura chiara, ognuno può adattare il percorso con flessibilità secondo la propria situazione. Ho apprezzato moltissimo questo aspetto, visti i numerosi impegni che noi docenti abbiamo già. I ragazzi sono stati entusiasti di partecipare. Hanno certamente praticato lo spagnolo ma, ancora più importante, hanno esplorato un'altra cultura e scoperto differenze e similitudini dell'essere giovani in Italia e in Svezia, attraverso lo spagnolo! Grazie SammTalk!
Monika Haex
SammTalk AS
This was an amazing experience to see videos that were created by Catalonian students. I was also amazed with the videos from my students.I received a tip from one of my co-teachers to start this project. Luckily I was chosen to participate with the free program. First I thought it would be a lot of work to organise this project. But it was quite easy to add to my scedule. the first meeting with all the teachers was very helpfull. I dedicated 4 lessons to this project and I am planning to meet with the teacher from Catalonia and their class via online meeting. So, hopefully we can stay in touch with other projects in the future.My students thought it was a wonderful experience. They enjoyed creating the videos and watching the videos from the partner school.I would definitely recommend participating in this program and certainly because it is a free trial.
Miriam Karp
SammTalk AS
My students (in the Netherlands) took part in the one month exchange, together with a class in Spain. The exchange went really well and the students grew more and more enthusiastic about it as every week/task went by. It has been about a month since we finished and the students are still in touch with their exchange partners! It has been a very nice experience :)
Stef Hover
SammTalk AS
Sammtalk provides a great platform with educational tasks for your students. Mine enjoyed them a lot! The tasks and opportunities give the students a better learning experience compared to your normal textbook with assignments. Sammtalk's team is dedicated and their support is great. 100% recommend their platform for your students.
Guilherme Medeiros
SammTalk AS
Sammtalk has proven to be a very motivational and enriching resource for my students. During a month we have exchanged group and individual videos with a class from Sweden and UK, practising Spanish while learning from other cultures. Sometimes we had some problems with the platform (students had to compress their videos to upload them) but apart from that everything went smooth and the outcomes is better than expected. Thank you!
Carla Liebo
SammTalk AS
La experiencia de Sammtalk ha sido totalmente positiva. Nuestros alumnos de 3º ESO se han entusiasmado con el proyecto y les ha encantado conocer personas de su edad de otro país que están estudiando español. Este programa les parece muy divertido y, además, les ayudan a ver como los idiomas y el buen uso de internet pueden abrir puertas, conectar personas y afianzar sus habilidades lingüísticas. Está muy bien organizado y dirigido. ¡Genial!
Cristian Garcia
SammTalk AS
A wonderful experience! Taking part of the SammTalk program was one of the highlights of my academic year. The tasks described are easy to accomplish and they can be easily differenciated by outcomes. For my students in Jordan, being able to contact to students in other countries was a real boost and they put much more effort in completing the tasks. The new blended learning culture integrating online into the classroom made SammTalk even more integrated to our current educational context. I would continue taking part in this experience.
Fede Fraga
SammTalk AS
La verdad que la experiencia con Sammtalk ha sido magnifica.Al principio por ser algo nuevo para nosotros los profes, me costó un poco adaptarme a la plataforma al tener que subir vídeos y demás material y tener que compaginarlo con el trabajo diario del colegio, pero a medida que avanzaron los días todos nos fuimos haciendo al programa y la verdad que disfrutamos muchísimo grabando los vídeos y viendo los de los compañeros extranjeros. Muy bien organizado, Ander y compañía muy profesionales y siempre dispuestos a ayudar cuando surgía alguna duda o problema. Los tendremos en cuenta para cursos venideros sin ninguna duda.
Isabel Amor Sanz
SammTalk AS
Enhorabuena Ander y Sammtalk por este estupendo programa! Mis alumnos de 2ºBachillerato han tenido la ocasión de participar en el mismo durante el pasado noviembre 2021 y les ha encantado la experiencia. Estuvieron muy motivados durante todo el tiempo que duró el programa. Las actividades propuestas también les parecieron muy interesantes y les permitieron ser creativos y practicar su inglés en un entorno real con otros estudiantes de su edad. Pudieron conocer otros institutos en el extranjero y también dar a conocer el suyo. Programa altamente recomendable en todos los sentidos, bien organizado, seguro y con muchas posibilidades para estudiantes y profesores. Gracias por este free-trial, Ander!
Sebastian Manriquez
SammTalk AS
Har selv brukt SammTalk sine tjenester flere år på rad. Elevene mine har prøvd ut sine ferdigheter med andre elever som har målspråket som morsmål.Strålende oppfølging av teamet hos SammTalk, et veldig velstrukturet opplegg rundt språkutvekslingen, og en uforglemmelig didaktisk opplevelse for alle de involverte.Anbefaler de på det varmeste!

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Chr. Michelsens gate 15A, 0568 Oslo
SammTalk AS