American College of Norway Verket 22, 1534 Moss

American College of Norway

23 Anmeldelser
  • lørdagStengt
  • søndagStengt
  • mandag08:30–16:00
  • tirsdag08:30–16:00
  • onsdag08:30–16:00
  • torsdag08:30–16:00
  • fredag08:30–16:00

Om virksomheten

American College of Norway - Start i Norge, fullfør i USA | Ett år på amerikansk college i Norge med alt du trenger av forberedelser til å ta resten av bachelorgraden i USA.


Ring oss
Verket 22, 1534 Moss


  • lørdagStengt
  • søndagStengt
  • mandag08:30–16:00
  • tirsdag08:30–16:00
  • onsdag08:30–16:00
  • torsdag08:30–16:00
  • fredag08:30–16:00


  • Inngang for rullestolbrukere
  • Parkering for rullestolbrukere

Anbefalte Anmeldelser

Gabriel E. Stokkan
American College of Norway
ACN has without a doubt been the most helpful school to get students an easy way to travel and studying the United States. The process of getting into the U.S can be both hard and confusing for many, but the American College of Norway provides the best help at giving anyone a smooth transition into the American education system, while also helping with U.S school applications, visa applications, and much more. The Faculty and staff have done an amazing job to assist us whenever needed, and they are the main reason why so many students have already managed to get so far into American education in previous years. Something immensely helpful one gets as well is the wide arrange of universities to pick from which best suits your interests and needs in the United States. ACN also frequently set up event sand holidays from the U.S for Norwegian students to experience for the first time and be a part of the American traditions!Having everything so close between the school and campus while also having a network between teachers and students made it all so easy to connect and meet with each other, making friends and socialize through-out the entire year at ACN. I myself have made some great new friends here and I will not forget the time I have experienced with them anytime soon!ACN has successfully brought everything promised and more for me who wanted to travel and study abroad, and I will not be forgetting the time I have had here! Cheers for the good times had and thanks to everyone who I joined this adventure with!
Daniela Thomson
American College of Norway
ACN is an absolutely fantastic place to study, only 40 minutes away from Oslo. The staff is friendly and very helpful, always available to help whatever issues you are facing. They are also more than qualified to teach lessons and are very supportive of their students. The student community is really tight and everyone knows everyone.I've really enjoyed my time at American College of Norway and although I'm looking forward to completing my course in the next few months I will really miss the place and people at ACN. I feel safe whilst I'm studying both in and around campus and would highly recommend to any student thinking about attending American College of Norway.
Pernille Krogh Kristiansen
American College of Norway
ACN provided me with the best possible start to my American college experience! This program allowed me to get a smooth transition into the educational system in the US, which is very different from the one in Norway! It also gave me time to decide what direction I want to take as I continue my undergraduate studies. The faculty and staff were always super helpful and friendly, and they truly care about the success of their students. Throughout the year we got to celebrate various American traditions such as Homecoming, Thanksgiving, and Super Bowl. This gives the Norwegian students a taste of American culture before they travel to the states. I will always remember my time at ACN and all the wonderful people I have gotten to know. I will miss all of them as we part this fall to continue our studies all around the US!
American College of Norway
ACN is a great school for anyone wanting to study in the United States, or interested in studying abroad for a year. Personally, they provided me with a smooth transition into the American education system. The faculty and staff are great, and super helpful. They are interested in you performing at your best, and do everything they can to facilitate for that. The school also provides help with choosing a US university, the application process, the visa application, and so on. There's always someone there to help you.You'll also meet students from many parts of the world and since it's a small school, it's easy to get to know everyone. Having a network of people before moving to the US, really is great. Also, there's no school on fridays, so you'll have plenty of time to explore and do fun stuff!I will always remember my year at ACN! I met a lot of great people and made memories I will carry with me for the rest of my life.
Bork Rorgemoen
American College of Norway
Å ha vært student på American College of Norway har vært en opplevelse, det var mye bedre enn jeg forventet, ACN har hjulpet meg utrolig mye i løpet av året mitt der.ACN har alle fagene på engelsk som vil da hjelpe deg med å bli vant med å skrive og lære på engelsk hver dag. Skolen arranngerer mange forskjellige arrangementer som spring formal, haunted house, superbowl osv, som da er utrolig gøy og gjør det lett å bli bedre kjent med dine klassekamerater.På ACN har man muligheten å bo på campus som da gir deg en ordentlig college opplevelse som jeg sterkt anbefaler. Man bor og lever med sine medelever rett i nærheten. Som da tilsvarer at man alltid har noe å gjøre.Mitt år på ACN har gitt meg mange gode minner som jeg aldri vil glemme.
American College of Norway
American College of Norway er en utrolig god mulighet hvis du ønsker og studere i USA. På skolen foregår alt på engelsk, og de ansatte på skolen hjelper deg med det du trenger for og finne hvilken retning og sted du ønsker og studere. Dette gjør at man blir bedre forberedt på overgangen fra Norge til USA. Man får også muligheten til og kunne bo på skolen, sammen med de andre elevene, noe som er kjempe gøy og man blir godt kjent. Året mitt på ACN har hvert lærerikt, morsomt og spennende. Jeg vil anbefale skolen 10/10!
Aleksander Traa
American College of Norway
American College of Norway is a great way to kickstart your journey to studies in the USA. I can highly recommend this school. The student residents are nice and have everything you need. The professors at the school are really cool and helpful. The student community is also great! ACN also offer interesting school trips such as guided tours to Amsterdam or Svalbard. After a year here I have left with many great memories.
Chris Waraas
American College of Norway
I had a great experience studying at the American College of Norway. My favorite part of the college was getting private school quality education for low costs. With the classes being really small (25 students maximum) and close relationships with my professors, I felt that I was receiving top notch education. I also loved all the students I met at the school. My semester abroad is something I will remember for the rest of my life.
Victoria Dahlgren
American College of Norway
ACN er en flott mulighet til å forberede seg til studier i USA. Skolen tilbyr tett oppfølgning og de ansatte er alltid tilgjengelige hvis du skulle trenge råd. Fagene er superspennende og du får muligheten til å velge mellom flere ut ifra hva som interesserer deg mest. Studentboligene er også kjempefine og ligger kun 3 min unna campus! Dette gjør at du slipper å reise med kollektiv transport både til skole og venner. Moss er også en kjempeflott by med alt i nærheten. Hvis du vil oppleve amerikansk kultur og skoleliv, er dette stedet for deg!
Lynn Kristin Strømsnes
American College of Norway
American College of Norway er en skole plassert rett utenfor Oslo. Skolen tilbyr deg som ønsker å studere i USA en smidig overgang fra norsk vgs til amerikansk college. Her har du muligheten til å få en smakebit av å bo på campus med medelever. På grunn av at det er en liten skole er man sikret god veiledning og tett oppfølgning av de ansatte. Man vil også enkelt skape nye relasjoner da det arrangeres mange sosiale arrangementer. Skolen følger amerikanske tradisjoner, og gjør deg kjent med populære arrangementer som Superbowl, Homecoming, Thanksgiving, Spring Formal, Valentines, Halloween osv... Skolefri fredager åpner opp muligheten for både utenlandske studenter å utforske mer av Norge, men også for norske studenter til å dra på hjembesøk.Jeg er meget fornøyd med mitt år på ACN. Gjennom året har jeg fått muligheten til å dra på studietur til Svalbard, frisket og forbedret mine engelske egenskaper, fått nye venner og kontakter, samtidig som jeg har blitt introdusert for det amerikanske systemet med hjelp på min side!

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Verket 22, 1534 Moss
American College of Norway